Report: Second Annual GEEMaP Research Workshop
Our workshop, held on May 5, was a big success. In the morning, faculty members and students gave brief talks, and in the afternoon there was a lively poster session.
GEEMaP PI Kate Cowles welcomed everyone to the meeting.
Morning talks were by students and faculty. The opening talk was by Civil and Environmental Engineering Professor and GEEMaP faculty member Thanos Papanicolaou.
GEEMaP student presentation and poster by Jonathan Goergen: Utilizing a Sky View Factor Mapping Algorithm to Predict Intra-Urban Variation of Exposure to Heat Hazards.
GEEMaP faculty and Statistics Professor Dale Zimmerman’s presentation: Geocoding Errors and Statistical Methods To Account for Them.
Afternoon poster session.
Student poster by Patrick Bitterman: Operationalizing Resilience: A Modeling Framework to Build State Spaces and Find Basis of Attraction.
Student poster by Benjamin Abban and Feiran Jiao: Simulating Spatial and Temporal Watershed Processes for Erosion Prediction: Validation of a Coupled Physically-Based Model at Different Scales.
Student poster by Juan Cervantes (center): The SIMEX Procedure Applied to Spatial Point Patterns.
Additional preentations:
Talk: Ornament Plots: A Step Forward in Data Representation, by GEEMaP student Alex Sawyer.
Poster: Can a Computer Algorithm Find the Truth Behind Noisy Data? by Michael Seedorf